Our Values

Individually strong, collectively extraordinary

We are proud to celebrate a real DPI 'Ethos'. This is built from our vision of Excellence and should be evident in how we act, behave, the choices we make and the people and partners we meet.

Our values centre on what we do & make us that bit different to others:

We are Supportive

We approach challenges in a supportive way – listening, always on point, smart and friendly, and willing to go the extra mile.

We are Spirited

We believe in what we do & have a positive energy about the blockchain and we make things happen. We challenge the status-quo.

We are Accountable

We “own” issues and opportunity equally, involving our colleagues where appropriate, until their effective conclusion.

We Simplify

We communicate without jargon (not easy in the blockchain world). We believe delivering excellence starts with how we communicate.

We Surprise

We listen to the details and surprise those around us with our knowledge, attention & passion. We look for opportunities to do Tiny Little Things (TLT’s) for clients and our colleagues.